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Lara Lovebird

Bringing home a new pet lovebird.

Before adopting a pet lovebird.

Hello, everyone. Before you consider adopting a pet lovebird please keep in mind these useful tips. - You must commit to a long term relationship with your pet lovebird, these wonderful and colorful pet birds are known to live between 15 -20+ years depending on their diet. - You must decide if you want a male or female pet lovebird. Female lovebirds get a little hormonal once they reach maturity and start to lay eggs, they will bite you every now and then if you get close o the egg, female lovebirds are best having a male human companion. Male lovebirds are best with a female human companion, males are also sweeter, big singers and big lovers, they can also get along just fine with a male companion. - You must then think about what species of lovebird and the colors you would like it to have. Why? The more you like your lovebird colors and species the more likely you will enjoy it and love to spend time with it. I suggest every family that wants to adopt a pet lovebird to choose the Peach faced lovebirds. Why? The Peach faced lovebirds are sweeter and easier to tame, they are more likely to stay a pet and be bonded to you for the rest of its life. I love Fishers and Black masked lovebirds, they are beautiful and wonderful to look at but unfortunately after I am done hand feeding the babies they want nothing to do with the human contact and that's the reason why I only breed Peach faced lovebirds. Can you tame or find a Black masked or Fisher lovebird that is tame? Yes, but it's hard and sometimes they will still turn wild after a few days or months. - You must now decide where to adopt your pet lovebird from. I suggest you adopt your new pet lovebird from a reputable private breeder, make sure to check their references online if they have a Facebook page or a website with reviews. I personally don't like buying birds from a pet store because their birds are sold to them in bulk most of the time and there's no way of knowing for sure where the bird came from and the conditions to where they were kept and health background. Before adopting a pet bird make sure that you are able to hold the bird on your hand and fingers if the breeder told you that it's tame. If the bird is scared and tries to fly away from you every time you try to touch it then the bird must not be tame or its personality is to be a breeder and not a pet. Yes, birds have their own personality just like us and some are not intended to be pets and prefer the company of other birds. Make sure to check it's butt for a residue of poop or stuck dried up poop, make sure to check the bottom of the cage to see if its droppings are dried little ball specks this is good and a sign of a healthy bird if it's diarrhea like dark green in color it usually means it is sick. Also, pay attention to the bird's eyes, it must have big bright eyes and the bird must be active with bright shiny colors. If the bird is sitting on the bottom corner of the cage or the perch all puffed up it might be sick and will not survive for more than a week. - You must decide if you want a tame hand fed baby that you can hold, play and teach tricks to right away or if you want a wild lovebird that you can try to tame later on in life. I suggest that you get a tame hand fed baby so you are able to hold and bond with it right away, get a baby that is tame and no older than 12 weeks and has been handled daily for best results. - You must pick out a good size cage for your lovebird with space for it to play, eat, flap the wings, bathe and chill while you are out of the house. A good cage size for your pet lovebird should be at least 18.5"L x 14"W x 20"H in size or larger, the bar spacing should not be wider than 1/2 inch so your little one doesn't escape or get its little head stuck between the wires and die. - You must now pick out some toys, a couple wood perches, one cement perch so it can trim its own beak and nails and some cuttlebone for daily calcium.

I suggest everyone to place 2 water bowls in the cage for the bird, one for drinking and the other for bathing, lovebirds love to take baths. The best toys for lovebirds are the toys that are made with wood and leather straps, the best cozy hut for your pet lovebird is the ones that have a perch for them to perch in instead of the flat bottom ones especially for the females, you don't want to encourage them to use the cozy hut for nesting once they reach maturity and get aggressive. DO NOT buy toys with mirrors for your pet bird, it makes them crazy and frustrated, they see a bird on their reflection but they can't play, touch or prim it so they get very frustrated.

Please keep in mind these suggestions and important information once you feel ready to adopt a pet lovebird to love and care for years to come.


Lara Lovebird

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